HaiFive Volleyball is a small club based in Chelsea, MI.  Our focus is to help players be the best they can be through Hard Work, Perseverance and Team Work.  We do not strive to be the biggest club, but the best team we can be on the court.  Our priority is not to grow the club as big, or as fast as we can.  But to grow the player in the skills needed to compete on the court, and to grow as a person for what life may brings you.  Working hard, persevering by never giving up and most importantly, working together as a team.

Our goal is to take the the best players who fit our philosophy, and teach them to play at the highest level we can as a team. It is not how big our club is, it’s how big a heart do we put into what we do. See how our teams have competed in our ‘Championships’ tab.

Why do I not expand my club to help more players? It’s because with many teams, it is hard to have everyone work consistently under the same philosophy, systems and goals. It is hard to “mass produce” that many volleyball players to the high quality level of play that is expected of HaiFive players and team(s). If I can grow one player, one team at a time, and do it well, then I have succeeded in why I started coaching volleyball. But expansion is possible. Be it slowly, one player, one coach, one team at a time.



"There is no substitute for Hard Work, Perseverance and Team Work. Because no one gets there alone."

Hard Work — Always put in the hard work to achieve what you want.  There are no shortcuts to being your best.

Perseverance— Never giving up no matter how hard the situation.

Team Work We play as a team.  No one team member is greater than the other.  Everyone is an important piece to the puzzle, no matter how big or small the role.

Earn It — Work hard and Earn It.  If you want something, work hard and earn it.

Is HaiFive the right fit for you - We understand that not all players will be a good fit for HaiFive. And we do not expect all players to fit well under the HaiFive system. So what makes a player a good fit for team HaiFive?

  • If you like to work hard and be pushed to get better, on and off the court, then HaiFive is for you.

  • If you are able to take constructive criticism to help you with all aspects of your game, then HaiFive is for you.

  • If you are a player who is able and willing to accept changes, then HaiFive is for you.

  • If you are a player who do not fear failure, but see it as a tool to get better, then HaiFive is for you.

  • If you are are looking for a player-coach mentorship and not a parent-coach relationship, then HaiFive is for you.

If the above holds true for you, contact us at haifivevolleyball@gmail.com, to find out how to be part of team HaiFive.